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한-라오스 외교장관회담 모두발언(2024.11.6.)


한-라오스 외교장관 회담 (11.6.) 모두말씀

Good morning, Deputy Prime Minister Saleumxay(살름싸이).

I am very pleased to welcome you and your delegation to Seoul for what is our third meeting this year.

(아세안 의장국 활동 평가) Allow me to begin by extending my sincere congratulations on the resounding success of the ASEAN Summit last month.

Even in the face of many challenges, Lao PDR has fulfilled its role as the Chair of ASEAN admirably.

In particular, I deeply appreciate the establishment of the ‘ASEAN-ROK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ during the ASEAN-ROK Summit in Vientiane last month.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Lao PDR as Chair of the ASEAN for its steadfast support in achieving this important milestone.

I am confident that the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will serve as the foundation for an even closer cooperation between the ROK and the ASEAN for regional peace and prosperity.

(한-라오스 양국관계) As you know, the year 2025 will mark the 30th anniversary of the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and Lao PDR.

Over the last three decades, our two countries have fostered genuine ties of friendship and cooperation spanning a whole range of fields.

Above all, I am pleased that Korea, as one of Lao PDR’s top three partners for development cooperation, has been able to contribute meaningfully to its socio-economic development.

Last month, President Yoon Suk Yeol held his first bilateral summit with President Thongloun Sisoulith (통룬 시술릿) during which the two Leaders charted the path forward for the next 30 years of bilateral relations.

I am delighted that our Leaders agreed to elevate bilateral relations next year to mark the 30th anniversary.

In this light, I look forward to engaging in fruitful discussions with you today on the follow-up measures from last month’s Summit as well as the preparations for next year’s 30th anniversary of bilateral relations.

Thank you very much and I give the floor to you. /END/

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