APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 아시아태평양경제협력체 | http://www.apec.org |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific | 아시아태평양 경제사회위원회 | http://www.unescap.org |
FAO | United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization | 유엔식량농업기구 | http://www.fao.org/ |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | 국제원자력기구 | http://www.iaea.org/ |
ICC | International Criminal Court | 국제형사재판소 | http://www.icc-cpi.int/ |
ICJ | International Court of Justice | 국제사법재판소 | http://www.icj-cij.org/ |
IDB | Inter-American Development Bank | 미주개발은행 | http://www.iadb.org/ |
IEA | International Energy Agency | 국제에너지기구 | http://www.iea.org/ |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development | 국제농업개발기금 | http://www.ifad.org/ |
IFC | International Finance Corporation | 국제금융공사 | http://www.ifc.org/ |
ILO | International Labour Organization | 국제노동기구 | http://www.ilo.org/ |
IMF | International Monetary Fund | 국제통화기금 | http://www.imf.org/ |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union | 국제전기통신연합 | http://www.itu.int/ |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development | 경제협력개발기구 | http://www.oecd.org/ |
OHCHR | Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | 유엔인권최고대표사무소 | http://www.ohchr.org/ |
UN | United Nations | 유엔 | http://www.un.org/ |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | 유엔무역개발회의 | http://unctad.org/ |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme | 유엔개발계획 | http://www.undp.org/ |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program | 유엔환경계획 | http://www.unep.org/ |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | 유엔교육과학문화기구 | http://en.unesco.org/ |
UNHCR | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | 유엔난민기구 | http://www.unhcr.org/ |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund | 유엔아동기금 | http://www.unicef.org/ |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization | 유엔공업개발기구 | http://www.unido.org/ |
WHO | World Health Organization | 세계보건기구 | http://www.who.int/ |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization | 세계지적재산권기구 | http://www.wipo.int/ |
World Bank |
World Bank | 세계은행 | http://www.worldbank.org/ |
WTO | World Trade Organization | 세계무역기구 | http://www.wto.org/ |